A downloadable game

SHOOT is an experimental platformer with a focus on using an arsenal of deep multifaceted weapons to make your way through a deserted city, and hopefully at least see a single ray of light on the mist-covered ruins. Get ready to fan your revolver, rocket-jump and pierce your foes if you want a chance to survive!

While this game is a IWBTG fangame it's still made so anyone with a slight knack for platforming can enjoy it, but if you want to know more about the genre be sure to check out https://cwpat.me/fangames-intro/

Also while this game is a direct sequel to BONK it's not required to play it to enjoy this game, but I encourage you to at some point go back to it and play it!


SHOOT 1.0.1 127 MB


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conrats on re these (nuts)

Congrats on release!